McDonald's Digital Menu Board

McDonald's Digital Menu BoardMcDonald’s has introduced a new and exciting way to order food. Their digital menu boards are changing how customers interact with their favorite restaurants.

These modern screens combine technology and good food to make dining out better. They are easy to use and make the experience more enjoyable.”

Partner MDT Medientechnik GmbH
Date 01/26/2017
Operating Platform Windows, Linux
Displaying Hardware – Video Wall Displays NEC X464UNS- NEC Multi Sync X401S- NEC V323-2 & V404
Client Hardware OPS i5
License Software as a Service
Functions – Multimedia files and playlists playback Custom scheduling for each monitor (on a daily/weekly basis) Interface to the enterprise resource planning system

The Allure of Dynamic Visuals: A Feast for the Senses

McDonald’s new menu boards are very engaging. They show delicious videos and pictures of food that make you want to eat. The boards use motion and colorful text to grab your attention. They help you feel the taste and smell of the food, making you want to try it. This makes your dining experience more enjoyable.”

Seamless Integration with McDonald’s Enterprise Resource Planning

“The new menu board is connected to McDonald’s main computer system. This lets each restaurant change prices and update menus in real-time. The menu boards also change automatically throughout the day to show different meals like breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The software is smart and can even change what’s shown based on the weather outside. This makes the dining experience better and more fun.”

The Power of Centralized Management

“McDonald’s controls their digital menu boards from one central place. They can make special offers for days, weeks, or months that apply to all restaurants or just some locations. This helps them target specific customers with promotions that are relevant to them, increasing engagement and making marketing campaigns more effective.”

Embracing Informational Interaction: Interactive Terminals Redefined

“McDonald’s in Germany has added interactive terminals that give customers more information about their food. They can see details about calories, ingredients, and nutrients for each item. This helps customers make informed choices that fit their dietary needs and preferences.”

Unveiling the Benefits: A Holistic Transformation

“McDonald’s digital menu boards have started a new era of customer engagement. This has brought many benefits that improve the dining experience in many ways.”

1. Presentation Excellence

“McDonald’s digital menu boards show exciting visuals that display their products, special deals, and ads tailored to each location. This helps sell specific items, creates emotional connections with the brand, and increases opportunities for customers to buy more or upgrade their orders.”

2. Enhanced Customer Experience

Enhanced Customer Experience

“The combination of appealing visuals and detailed product information creates a unique and enjoyable dining experience. Customers are attracted by the visuals and can make informed choices that fit their tastes and dietary requirements.”

3. Flexibility and Real-Time Adjustments

“McDonald’s can make changes quickly, like changing prices, to keep up with the changing market. This ability to adapt quickly helps McDonald’s stay flexible and respond to customer needs.”

4. Operational Efficiency

“McDonald’s automatically changes menus based on the day and time, making it easier for staff. This helps reduce costs and ensures customers have a consistent and personalized experience throughout the day.”

5. Image Enhancement and Offer Perception

“McDonald’s digital menu boards make their brand look better and improve how people see their food. Using NEC’s high-quality displays, which last for 5 years, shows McDonald’s is committed to excellent visual communication.”

A Vision for the Future McDonald’s Digital Menu Board

A Vision for the Future McDonald's Digital Menu Board

“McDonald’s and NEC have made a new kind of menu board that’s very advanced. This is not just about showing food, it’s about making the customer happy. McDonald’s is using technology to make eating out better. They’re combining good food with nice pictures and videos. This makes going to McDonald’s a special experience. They’re leading the way in making restaurants better.”

Final Thoughts On McDonald’s Digital Menu Board

“McDonald’s has changed the way we eat out. They’ve made a new kind of menu board that’s fun to use. This shows they care about making customers happy. The boards have nice pictures and all the information you need. This makes McDonald’s a leader in the restaurant business. They’re showing others how to be better.”

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